Tucson is such a generous community. I knew that given the opportunity, when people found out about the great work YOTO is doing, they would step up and want to help.
Kira Geddes, Owner of Casa Kira
As local jewelry studio owner Kira Geddes sees it, having a positive impact on her community is part of her responsibility as a Tucson business owner. On June 29th, Geddes held a fundraiser at her business, Casa Kira, to help restock the Youth On Their Own Mini Mall.
Geddes offered half price off of any pair of earrings in her studio in exchange for an item to help restock pantry shelves. While she was confident her customers would support the cause, she was blown away by their response. Despite the fact that the discount could be earned with merely one item, Geddes noted that nearly every customer showed up with a bag filled with needed items. “We ended up with, pounds of pasta and sauce, granola bars, cereal, tuna, canned meats of all kinds, toilet paper, tampons, shampoos, razors, toiletries, school supplies, clothing, and much much more!” comments Geddes. “There was a jar for cash donations and I was able to write a check to YOTO as well.”
Geddes has a history of supporting local non-profits, but said YOTO is special. She pointed out the Arizona is the fifth worst in the nation in terms of providing resources to vulnerable children, but noted that YOTO “…is helping our community’s most vulnerable members…ultimately to stay in school and graduate.” She goes on, “The reasons that children find themselves displaced and on their own are varied, but they definitely affect certain populations more than others. Kids who suffer abuse, poverty, or those who are LGBTQ or pregnant should not have the extra burden and stress of lack of parental support and homelessness.”
As a local small business owner, Geddes says that she is a part of the community, “not just a business in it.” She notes that people support Casa Kira because they want to support local business and the community, but she sees that as a two way street. She is committed to having a positive impact on Tucson as well.
Geddes is inspired by the idea that, by doing her part, this cycle of giving back will continue. “My hope is that, now that folks are aware of, and have donated to YOTO, that they will continue to be involved through donations, volunteering or just spreading the word.”