Check out our first ever YOTO Family Cookbook!

With the holiday season upon us, we’re so excited to share with you – our Youth On Their Own Family – our very first YOTO Family Cookbook! This book is truly a labor of love and is filled with recipes contributed by YOTO staff, volunteers, board members, and supporters. You’ll find a variety of dishes [...]

2020-12-21T14:33:10-07:00December 21st, 2020|

Help Homeless Youth Graduate!

Youth On Their Own - or YOTO, as it's informally called - has been helping youth experiencing homelessness in Pima County graduate from high school since 1986. Founded locally to address the dropout rate of homeless Tucson youth, YOTO continues to serve up to 2,000 young people in our community each year. Moreover, YOTO not [...]

2020-10-12T16:26:49-07:00October 12th, 2020|

An Update from YOTO’s CEO Elizabeth Slater

Dear YOTO Family, Elizabeth Slater, YOTO CEO Every few years, Youth On Their Own begins a new strategic plan cycle. In July we kicked off our 2021-2024 Strategic Plan! This page contains a short summary of what we hope to accomplish in the coming years and how we'll do it. For anyone interested [...]

2020-09-30T11:46:38-07:00September 30th, 2020|

Who are YOTO’s Program Coordinators and how do they help YOTO youth?

Have you ever wondered how Youth On Their Own supports youth experiencing homelessness? Who works on the frontlines to actually assist youth? The answer: YOTO’s amazing team of Program Coordinators (PCs)! Our PC Team is made up of the most resourceful, dedicated, and caring individuals you’ll find! They provide one-on-one support to YOTO youth, impacting [...]

2020-08-17T16:01:13-07:00August 17th, 2020|

YOTO’s adapting to support students as they return to school!

As the summer heat rages, it’s hard to believe kids will be heading back to school soon! What exactly will school openings look like this year, and how will Youth On Their Own adapt to serve youth experiencing homelessness? For YOTO, this year brings with it new challenges, but also new opportunities as we adapt [...]

2020-08-24T11:05:19-07:00August 3rd, 2020|
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