AZPM Radio Interview with Rashel Olalde and Bethany Neumann

"I felt alone and hopeless. I didn't think I would make it through high school, because of that loneliness." ~Rachel Olalde, YOTO Alum/Student Ambassador and UA Sophomore This past week, YOTO's Bethany Neumann and YOTO Alum/Student Ambassador Rashel Olalde were interviewed for AZPM.  They discussed the challenges of being a homeless youth and the support [...]

2019-06-30T10:54:47-07:00June 30th, 2019|

A Day For YOTO Run/Walk

Calling all runners/walkers! You’re invited to A DAY FOR YOTO – a 24-hour run/walk to raise funds to help homeless youth graduate from high school and continue on paths to success! Jerry Schuster, a substitute teacher for the Tucson Unified School District, organized the event.  Schuster said, "Since Tucson High is TUSD’s largest school district...quite [...]

2019-06-18T20:50:49-07:00June 18th, 2019|
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