A recent YOTO high school graduate shares her COVID-19 experience and what she is looking forward to most

YOTO youth are truly the most resilient and awe-inspiring young people around! Even though COVID-19 cast a shadow on many end of year activities and celebrations, senior students have found a way to rise above the disappointment and focus on their bright futures. Last month we checked in with YOTO high school senior Marianna to [...]

2020-06-29T08:40:40-07:00June 26th, 2020|

Checking in with Pueblo High’s incredible YOTO school liaison, Andrea Vazquez Mata

With over 2,000 students at over 100 schools (and only 28 staff members), YOTO’s work would not be possible without the dedication, commitment, and kindness of all our YOTO school liaisons! These amazing individuals are at the heart of YOTO’s program, identifying and advocating on behalf of YOTO youth, distributing stipend checks and basic needs [...]

2020-06-11T13:26:54-07:00June 11th, 2020|

YOTO’s Commitment to Our Community

The YOTO family stands in solidarity with the Black community against systemic racism, white supremacy, and the horrible injustices we’ve witnessed in recent weeks, and for far too long. We grieve for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless other Black lives taken without justice for them and their families. We acknowledge that [...]

2020-06-05T09:58:22-07:00June 4th, 2020|

Three YOTO Family members share their experiences working in the food service industry in the time of COVID-19

Gary Hickey is the chef-partner at Charro Steak, Charro del Rey, and Charrovida. He is a former YOTO alumnus, graduating in the early 1990s.   The food service industry has faced significant challenges since the COVID-19 outbreak. Restaurants have had to adapt to changing local and state public health policies in order to [...]

2020-06-04T15:10:17-07:00June 1st, 2020|

The YOTO Family Shines During These Difficult Times

With schools closed and most businesses either reducing their hours or ceasing operations altogether, it’s safe to say that our entire community is feeling the effects of COVID-19. Our YOTO students are no exception. In addition to the challenges they are facing with school closures, YOTO kids are finding themselves out of work and in [...]

2020-04-13T14:46:45-07:00April 13th, 2020|
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