Jeremy and his mother have always had a rocky relationship: never getting along and fighting constantly. After his mother threw him on the streets, he had a hard time finding somewhere to stay. His girlfriend, the only supportive person in his life, found out she was pregnant at the end of their junior year. For the two teenagers, it seemed like there would be no hope in graduating.
When Jeremy found out about Youth On Their Own, he was skeptical; he had been turned away time and time again from other agencies. His YOTO Program Coordinator immediately gave him several referrals for other nonprofits in the community – places where he could receive diapers, participate in first-time dad workshops, and even access to “S.O.S.” (starting over supplies) kits. A quiet and shy young man, he became emotional when he finally received this critical support. “I had no clue that you would actually help us,” he said.
Jeremy is currently a senior and has only 3 credits left to graduate. He hopes one day to have a better, more positive relationship with his mother… but for now, his concentration is on graduating from high school and becoming the best dad he can possibly be.