Youth On Their Own is extremely fortunate to have a board of directors that believes fully in our mission and our students. Without the continual support of the board, at-risk youth in our community would not be provided the same opportunity to complete their education and better their futures. Board member Tom Hoyt was born and raised in Tucson. Tom comes from a family with a robust history of service and local philanthropy. He was a Certified Grid Operator at Tucson Electric Power for 47 years before ultimately retiring from the company as a Senior Director. Along with his service to YOTO, Tom has also sat on board for The Boys and Girls Club of Santa Cruz County. He has now been involved with YOTO for over three years and currently serves as the acting Board President.

Tom’s passion for helping at-risk youth began in high school after watching his close friend struggle with domestic abuse. This experience motivated Tom to find a way to help other children break out of difficult situations. Tom believes that working with YOTO is an investment in our future. He says, “These kids are the people that are going to be voting, working, and contributing to society within a few short years.” By putting faith in our next generation Tom believes we are setting our community and our country up for success.

Looking towards the future, Tom wants to continue increasing the amount of students enrolled in our program. Last year, Youth On Their Own was able to serve just under 1,600 homeless youth in Pima County. Tom hopes that within a few years we will be able to reach upwards of 3,000 or more students. Here at Youth On Their Own, we are excited to continue growing and thankful to have a board of directors that share our passion and drive!

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