When Matthew applied to Youth On Their Own, his application had been marked “URGENT” by his School Liaison. Matthew had just left his mother’s home, trying to escape her physically and emotionally abusive partner. He knew he had to get out of the house, as he was falling further and further behind in school, and his youngest brother was starting to get into trouble with the police.
With nowhere to go, he turned to his school and grandmother for help. Determined to do whatever necessary to help her grandchildren, Matthew’s grandmother took in Matthew and his four siblings, though she was already struggling to make ends meet on a fixed income.
With YOTO’s help, Matthew and his YOTO-eligible siblings are able to contribute to buying food and other basic household supplies, supporting the family’s ability to stay together rather than being moved into a group home or foster care. He and his siblings are working on catching up in school. They work closely with their School Liaisons to be sure they are staying on track, heading towards graduation.